Modelling Publication
Brand: AK Interactive
SKU: AK-2929
80 pages, English language.Issue 14 of Aces High takes us into the world of twin-engine aircraft. It??s a pleasure to see the world??s best modellers building and painting some of the most mythical WWII aircraft, which are rarely seen in other international magazines.Includes:
P1Y1 Ginga
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6005
U.S. WW II - AUToCAR U-7144-T & U-8144-T Tractor Trucks
Comprehensive pictorial with technical description on 48 pages, based on the original Technical Manuals.Quality Photos and Illustrations;
2 colour / 140 black&white / 10 drawings
Complete English
Number of pages:
48 + 4..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6033
U.S. WW II Dodge WC62-WC63 6x6 Trucks
48 pages with 150-200 illustrations, among them WW2 action photos, colour photos and technical drawings.Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal companion for modellers and fans of technology. Co..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6031
U.S. WW II Dodge WC51-WC52 Weapons Carrier
Limited Reprint48 pages with 150-200 illustrations, among them WW2 action photos, colour photos and technical drawings. English text.Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal compagnion for..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6027
U.S. WW II GMC Wrecker Trucks, Gasoline Tank Trucks and AFKWX-353 CoE Truck
48 pages with 150-200 illustrations, among them WW2 action photos, colour photos and technical drawings.Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal companion fo..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6024
U.S. WW II M24 Chaffee Light Tank
48 pages with 150-200 illustrations, among them WW2 action photos, colour photos and technical drawings.Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal companion for modellers and fans of technology. Comple..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6018
U.S. WW II M19 Tank Transporter
Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal companion for modellers and fans of technology. Complete background history and variants.Quality Photos and Illustrations;
150-200 illustrations, among them WW2..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6017
U.S. WW II M25 Tank Transporter Dragon Wagon
Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal companion for modellers and fans of technology. Complete background history and variants.
Quality Photos and Illustrations;
200 illustrations, amon..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6015
U.S. WW II GMC CCKW-352 & 353 2.5-ToN 6X6 CARGo TRUCKS
Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal companion for modellers and fans of technology. Complete background history and variants.Quality Photos and Illustrations;
150-200 illust..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6001
U.S. WW II M4, M4A1 Sherman
Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal companion for modellers and fans of technology. Complete background history and variants.Quality Photos and Illustrations;
48 pages with 150-200 illustrations, amon..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-WW1-1001
The size of the German tank force in World War One remained extremely small. Only twenty A7V tanks were ever built and saw action in the Great War. Nevertheless they were the landmark of German 'Panzer' development in the 20th Century.
The story and technical details of the A7V's development and com..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-TM6034
U.S. WW II & Korea M4A3 Sherman (76mm) Medium Tank
48 pages with 150-200 illustrations, among them WW2 action photos, colour photos and technical drawings.Illustrated throughout. Excerpts of technical manuals, wartime photos, photos of restored vehicles. Ideal companion for modellers and fans of t..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-US3042
With the Cold War evolving, the search for more military applications of nuclear weapons was carried out by the United States and the Soviet Union. The major aim was, on the one hand, to improve the yield of devices and thus increase their destructive levels, and on the other hand to make them deplo..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-US3026
The M1 Assault Breacher Vehicle (ABV) is the newest and long expected addition to the M1 Abrams tank family. The M1 ABVs fielded by the US Army and US Marine Corps marked the end of a very long search and development by the US Armed Forces for a vehicle to clear mines, as well as one that can be use..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-US3050
Interim Armored Vehicle
The Stryker Interim Armored Vehicle (IAV) family was introduced to fill a US Army capability gap for a rapidly deployable armoured combat vehicle that required minimal logistical support and featured state-of-the-art technology. For this purpose, a new type of troop f..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-Sov2012
The Soviet "Giant of the Eastern Front" - Development, Production Batches and Combat
After midnight on 22 June 1941, the Soviet 34th Tank Division of 8th Mechanised Corps was put on alert. The T-35 tanks were readied to move and bombed up on the training ground of the unit's home base at Gorodo..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-GB9040
Iron Hammer 88
Divisional Training Exercise of the 3rd (BR) Armoured Division "The Iron Division"
The General Defence Plan of I (BR) Corps towards the end of the Cold War envisaged deploying the 1st and 4th (BR) Armoured Divisions on the forward edge of defence and keeping the 3rd (BR) Armoured Divi..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
Among the export versions of the American M1 Abrams main battle tank family the Australian M1A1 AIM SA certainly is the most compelling. The opening chapter of this publication features in-the-field shots of the "Aussie" M1A1 Abrams whilst on exercise, and this is followed by a walkaround showing th..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
Modern German Army Armoured Engineer Vehicles
In the past decades the German defence industry gained worldwide reputation in modern engineer-vehicle technology culminating in the Pionierpanzer 2A1 "Dachs" AEV and the Minenraumpanzer "Keiler" mine-clearing vehicle. This comprehensive publication show..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
The Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer 1 Gepard self-propelled antiaircraft gun is an autonomous, highly mobile, all-weather air defence weapon system. Fitted with two 35mm automatic cannons, a search radar and a tracking radar, the vehicle can engage fixed-wing and rotary-winged aircraft at short and very sho..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-GB9041
Challenger 2 Battlegroup
The Iron Fist of the 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh Battlegroup and other Armoured Brigade Combat Teams
Three battlegroups can be formed from units of the 12th Armoured Brigade Combat Team. Two armoured infantry units with their headquarters company, two infantry companies (..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
Artillerie-Selbstfahrlafetten M107 to M110A2
US Development and Variants, Technology, German Bundeswehr Service
The mechanisation of heavy artillery was one of the key points of the US Army's modernisation measures after the Second World War. A whole series of self-propelled howitzers were developed..
Brand: Tankograd Publishing
SKU: TG-US3051
22nd and 11th Armored Cavalry Regiments
Guardians of the Iron Curtain 1948-94
The reconnaissance screen and border surveillance mission of the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment assigned to VII (US) Corps, and 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment assigned to V (US) Corps, along the Iron Curtain, the ..