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Brand: Vallejo SKU: AV 26000
35ml bottles, empty, with an eyedropper. You can use them for any fluid like your home-made colour...
Brand: Milliput SKU: MIL5
Black Milliput is the most recent addition to Milliput range of products. Ideal if you want to match a black surface without painting it afterwards. Once cured the beauty of Milliput is that it can be drilled, filed and sanded while still retaining its adhesive properties and bonding strength.Typica..
Brand: Vallejo SKU: AV 77723
How to Use: Shake well before using. Pour the paint directly into the cup of the airbrush, either undiluted or previously diluted with thinner. Colours can be mixed in the cup of the airbrush. Metal Colour - dries almost instantly on the model and permits immediate application of aging processes s..
Brand: Vallejo SKU: AV 77701
How to Use: Shake well before using. Pour the paint directly into the cup of the airbrush, either undiluted or previously diluted with thinner. Colours can be mixed in the cup of the airbrush. Metal Colour - dries almost instantly on the model and permits immediate application of aging processes s..
Brand: Humbrol SKU: HUM-5217
Usage:A rubber solution that can be applied to surfaces to prevent them being painted. When the paint has dried the Maskol can be simply peeled off.Substrate:Common plastics used to manufacture model kits including polystyrene and ABS and a wide variety of other applications including glass.Applicat..
Brand: Vallejo SKU: AV ST-LET002
Alphabet stamp font to create road signs, street ads or shop signs. Scale 1/35...
Brand: Vallejo SKU: AV ST-CAM003
Luftwaffe WW2 aircraft giraffe camouflage, mainly used on self-propelled guns. Scale 1/32...
Brand: Tamiya SKU: TM 87075
Liquid Surface Primer can realize smooth surfaces by easily brushing over scratches etc. Can be used on plastic, metal and wooden models...
Brand: Tamiya SKU: TM 85082
These cans of spray paint are extremely useful for painting large surfaces. The paint is a synthetic lacquer that cures in a short period of time. Each can contains 100ml of paint, which is enough to fully cover 2 or 3, 1/24 scale sized car bodies. Tamiya spray paints are not affected by acrylic or ..
Brand: Tamiya SKU: TM 85081
These cans of spray paint are extremely useful for painting large surfaces. The paint is a synthetic lacquer that cures in a short period of time. Each can contains 100ml of paint, which is enough to fully cover 2 or 3, 1/24 scale sized car bodies. Tamiya spray paints are not affected by acrylic or ..
Brand: Tamiya SKU: TM 85079
These cans of spray paint are extremely useful for painting large surfaces. The paint is a synthetic lacquer that cures in a short period of time. Each can contains 100ml of paint, which is enough to fully cover 2 or 3, 1/24 scale sized car bodies. Tamiya spray paints are not affected by acrylic or ..
Brand: Tamiya SKU: TM 85032
These cans of spray paint are extremely useful for painting large surfaces. The paint is a synthetic lacquer that cures in a short period of time. Each can contains 100ml of paint, which is enough to fully cover 2 or 3, 1/24 scale sized car bodies. Tamiya spray paints are not affected by acrylic or ..
Brand: Tamiya SKU: TM 85029
These cans of spray paint are extremely useful for painting large surfaces. The paint is a synthetic lacquer that cures in a short period of time. Each can contains 100ml of paint, which is enough to fully cover 2 or 3, 1/24 scale sized car bodies. Tamiya spray paints are not affected by acrylic or ..
Showing 6721 to 6744 of 8528 (356 Pages)